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Ghostly Jokes

Here are some funny halloween jokes.

Why did the vampire's lunch give her heartburn?

It was a stake sandwich.

What happens when a ghost gets lost in a fog?

He's mist

Who does a ghoul fall in love with?

His ghoul friend.

What's a cold, evil candle called?

The wicked wick of the north.

What do you call a dog owned by Dracula?

A blood hound.

What sailors like to be chilled to the bone?

A skeleton crew.

What tops off a ghost's sundae?

Whipped scream

Where did the goblin throw the football?

Over the ghoul line.

What does a sorceress wear?

A bewitching outfit.

What's black, white, orange, and waddles?

A penguin with a Halloween lantern

Why does a witch ride on a broom?

Vacuum cleaners have to be plugged into the wall.

What's a ghost's favourite ride at the carnival?

The roller ghoster

What do you call a person who puts poison in a person's corn flakes?

A cereal killer

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Wanda who?
Wanda go for a ride on my broomstick?

What directions did the ghost give the goblin?

"Make a fright turn at the corner."

Who are some of the werewolves cousins?

The whatwolves and the whenwolves.

What do you call a wicked witch who lives by the sea?

A sand-witch

What did Dr. Frankenstein get when he put his goldfish's brain in the body of his dog?

I don't know, but it's great at chasing submarines.

Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch?

In the casketeria.

What do you call a goblin who gets too close to a bonfire?

Toasty ghosty.

Where do vampires live?

In the Vampire State Building.

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