| Catching Up with Travis Schuldt (Ethan) 'Passions' Online sat down with Travis and got the scoop on his recent heavy-duty scenes, working with Lindsay Korman, and his upcoming play. And what will Travis miss most about being a Crane? Read on to find out... You've had some heavy emotional story to play lately. What has that been like? It's actually been a lot of fun getting into serious stuff going on with Ethan. It's been a blast to have serious scenes dealing with serious issues. And it's been a lot of hard work-lots of long hours. How do you prepare yourself for those kinds of scenes? The same way I prepare for all of them. I read the material and make choices as an actor of where I want to go with the character and what I think fits the situation. Have there been any particularly challenging scenes for you? They're all a challenge. But I guess the scenes at the engagement party were particularly challenging because you're playing the same beat for so long. We were at the engagement party for over a month! Being on a soap opera, you don't want to play the same beat over and over. You try to change it up and that gets hard after a while. Doing the same thing for over a month-you start to run out of ideas. That's one of the challenges of working on a soap-you always have to keep on your toes and change stuff. As an actor, will you miss being a Crane? Of course! Are you kidding me? The wardrobe I wore was great-no more Hugo Boss for me! I'm going to wear GAP clothes now. Who's the better father: Julian or Sam? I'm sure Sam's the better father. If you're a bad kid, Julian's definitely the better father. What would you like to see Ethan do next? Ethan goes on a drinking binge! He starts drinking like Julian and Ivy. He drinks himself into the gutter and Theresa has to pull him out! How do you think Ethan will react when he learns Theresa knew the truth? Oh God, he'll probably freak out. It's like finding out about his mother lying. I'm assuming he'll have a similar reaction, unless she's able to make him understand she did it for his best interest. What have been some of your favorite scenes to perform? I've really enjoyed the father-son stuff with Ben. I love working with Ben. That's the first thing that comes to my mind. Why do you think Ethan and Theresa have caught on so much as a couple? I think young girls identify with Theresa. And I think they see Ethan as not that intimidating. He's not an intimidating man. And he's very pleasing-he likes people around him to be happy. He's a nice guy. An outgoing, happy guy. What's not to like? Can you talk about your theater company, Lone Star Ensemble, and the play you're working on? The production we're putting together is called 'Venus and Adonis.' It's an interpretation of 'Venus and Adonis,' a poem by William Shakespeare. We took the poem and turned it into a play. It runs from March 15-April 22 here in Los Angeles. The company started with five of us. We did 'Icarus' Mother' last year. This year three or four people joined us and now we're doing 'Venus and Adonis.' My character is called the Adonis Avatar. Avatar is the Greek word that refers to the superego. I'm like a videogame character and I represent Adonis' superego-how he wishes he was, his ideal self. It's very cool--we made the poem like 'The Matrix.' We added technology. It has virtual reality games, video games, music, oversexed teenagersstuff that applies to today. It's a multimedia show. And it's poetry too! Is it hard to balance outside projects with working on 'Passions?' It's difficult and takes up a lot of time. I work all day, go to play rehearsal and then come home and learn lines for the next day. It's a lot of work, but when you're doing something you love it doesn't really count. You just give it your all. Is it important to you while you're on 'Passions' to do other projects and characters? It is. Just to keep my sanity. Theater is where I started and it's my first love. I never want to give that up. It's fun to be a part of something outside of 'Passions.' 'Passions' takes up a lot of my time and it's a lot of work. I love it but it's nice to do something different. What are the best and worst things about working on 'Passions?' It's all good, really. I don't really know if there is a bad thing. The people are great and we get along. It's a great experience. I love going to work, I love the people, and I learn something new everyday. What's the best piece of advice you've gotten working on 'Passions?' I talk a lot to Ben. Ben is kind of like a mentor/father to me. I talk to Kim, too. I try to watch the experienced actors so I can learn from them. The best advice I got? Save your money. Why do you think you and Lindsay have such great chemistry? That's a good question. I wish I knew the answer. I just think we're open to each other. Ever since we first met, it's been easy for us. We trust each other and that creates a good environment. There are actors out there who say chemistry between two people means nothing-that if the actors are good enough they can fake it. In this situation, it's that much easier. Lindsay and I can walk into a scene, ask each other if we're ready and then boom! We're Theresa and Ethan and we're in love.
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