| Harmony's Families Alistair, Julian, Ivy, Sheridan, Ethan Patriarch Alistair rules over one of the most powerful families in the world. He's the father of Julian and Sheridan. Julian is married to Ivy in name only...and recently found out "his" son, Ethan, is really the son of Sam Bennett. Pilar, Luis, Theresa, Miguel Pilar and Martin Fitzgerarld are the parents of Luis, Theresa, and Miguel (as well as Paloma and Antonio). Martin (and then Antonio) disappeared, with no explanation, many years ago. Sam, Grace, Kay, Jessica, Charity Sam and Grace are the parents of Kay and Jessica (and also son Noah, away at college). Their niece, Charity, lives with them since her mother, Grace's twin, died. TC, Eve, Whitney, Simone Eve and TC are the parents of daughters Whitney and Simone. Eve is a well-respected doctor, who harbors a secret past. TC is Harmony's High's athletic coach, who longs to see Whitney become a champion tennis player. Tabitha, Timmy, Hecuba, Rebecca, Gwen - Tabitha and Timmy are a one-of-kind pair...a witch who's been around for ages and the doll she brought to life! - Gwen and Rebecca Hotchkiss long to get their hands on the Crane fortune by marrying Ethan and Julian respectively. Gwen used to be engaged to Ethan. Chad, Reese, Father Lonigan, Angel Girl - Chad Harris came to Harmony looking for his parents, but found love with Whitney Russell. - Reese Durkee is the school "nerd." He's best friends with Miguel and has a big crush on Kay! - The Angel Girl and Father Lonigan represent goodness in Harmony. Both the Angel and the Priest have thwarted many of Tabitha's evil plans.
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